Making Faces 2.0

In our last Making Faces class, we explored gestural lines, chiaroscuro, blind contours, investigated the idea that the face is made of a rainbow of color, and finally molded faces out of clay.

With Making Faces 2.0, we flipped the script and explored face-making through the lens of Modern Art History, with portraits modeled after Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, and Contemporary Art.

Not only did we discover new ways of seeing and observing the world around us, but we learned that to draw oneself is to re-envision who you are at your core.

“I made a clay wolf because it’s my favorite animal. I was inspired by the teachers who made me realize it was a self portrait as a wolf is my spirit animal. I feel this class made me see I can do anything I want with art, especially when I saw one of the teachers - Diego - draw Spiderman.”

— Henry Klotz

“I was inspired to take this class - with my son - after falling in love with a painting show called ‘Portrait Artist of The Year.’ Having never done anything like this before, and with really no art skill whatsoever! I went from very shy about it, to just freely seeing what happened. I really loved this class. One prompt was to draw half a self portrait and then fill the other side with what you’re made of. I’m a writer so I filled it with words. From that drawing, I dreamed up my clay project, a surrealist version of my face with all the words spilling out. This class taught me not to hold myself back by thinking I can’t be artistic.” 

— Emily Cook

“Here is my sculpture of my dual personality, outside side calm & inside rather tiger/dragon/serpent like … I learned & was reminded of a lot in these classes!”

— Linda Allen